Cost of Police Clearance in Nigeria (2024)

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In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the number of people migrating from Nigeria to other countries in search of better opportunities. Whether it’s for work or study, one essential document required for this journey is the Police Clearance Certificate. Despite its importance, many overlook its significance in the immigration process. Let’s delve into the basics of obtaining this crucial document and its associated costs.

How Much Does Police Clearance Cost in Nigeria?

The cost of obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate in Nigeria varies, ranging from approximately N3,500 to N10,000. However, in certain cases, applicants have reported paying up to N30,000 due to various circumstances. The final cost depends on factors such as the location from which you’re obtaining the document and, strangely, sometimes even your financial status.

What is Police Clearance and Its Purpose?

A Police Clearance Certificate is an official document issued by the Nigerian Police Force, indicating that background checks have been completed on an individual seeking to immigrate to another country. While not all countries require this certificate, it’s a critical requirement in some European nations during the immigration process. Essentially, the certificate assures the host country that the applicant has a clean record and is of good character.

How to Apply for Police Clearance Certificate:

  1. Applying in Person: Visit the Nigeria Police Force CID Annex in Alagbon, Lagos State. Fill out the required form, submit a passport photograph, and pay the applicable fee. The certificate is typically issued within a few hours, though there might be delays in certain cases.
  2. Online Application: Utilize the Nigeria Police Force website for a more convenient application process. Register on the designated portal, fill out the form, and upload necessary documents such as passport photographs and your international passport. Once submitted, you’ll need to visit the State Police Command for fingerprint analysis. The processing time may take 5-10 days or longer, depending on the state’s response rate.
  3. Through Nigeria Embassy or a Third Party: If you’re not in the country, you can apply by emailing or through a third-party service. Ensure to include your international passport details and proof of payment.


Obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate in Nigeria is a crucial step for individuals looking to immigrate to other countries. Despite variations in costs and application methods, following the outlined procedures diligently can ensure a smooth process. Whether applying in person, online, or through alternative means, securing this document is essential for a successful immigration journey.


1.Is Police Clearance mandatory for immigration to all countries?

No, it’s not mandatory for all countries, but some European nations and others do require it.

2.Can I apply for Police Clearance if I’m not in Nigeria?

Yes, you can apply via email or through a third-party service, provided you submit the required documents and payment.

3.What if I encounter delays in the application process?

Delays are possible, especially in online applications or during peak times. It’s advisable to plan ahead and be patient throughout the process.

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