Cost of Treating Hepatitis B in Nigeria (2024)

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Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), transmitted mainly through contact with infected blood or body fluids. While the acute infection may resolve on its own, chronic hepatitis B can lead to severe liver diseases if left untreated. In Nigeria, accessing treatment for hepatitis B can be challenging due to various factors, including the cost of tests and medications. In this post, we’ll delve into the basics of hepatitis B, the expenses involved in its treatment, available drugs, where to get treatment, and more.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or body fluids. While acute hepatitis B may resolve on its own, chronic cases can lead to severe liver conditions like cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Cost of Treating Hepatitis B in Nigeria:

Before initiating treatment, doctors typically conduct tests to assess the severity of the infection and determine the appropriate course of action. These tests can incur significant costs ranging from N40,000 to N100,000, depending on the laboratory and location. The most expensive test is the HBV DNA test, which estimates the viral load and can cost between N30,000 to N80,000.

Hepatitis B Drugs in Nigeria & Their Prices:

Several drugs approved by NAFDAC are available for treating hepatitis B in Nigeria. These include Interferon, Lamivudine, Tenofovir, Entecavir, Adefovir dipivoxil, and Telbivudine. Prices vary, with Interferon being the costliest, ranging from N25,000 to N35,000 per injection. Lamivudine costs between N8,000 to N10,000 per bottle, while Tenofovir is priced at N7,000 to N10,000 per bottle. Entecavir ranges from N15,000 to N23,000 per pack, depending on the strength.

Where to Get Treated for Hepatitis B in Nigeria:

Treatment for hepatitis B is available in both government-owned facilities and private hospitals across Nigeria. Government hospitals may offer more affordable options, but there could be delays and other challenges. Private hospitals like Lagoon Hospital, Eko Hospital, and St. Nicholas Hospital provide specialized care but at higher costs.


Hepatitis B treatment in Nigeria involves significant expenses for tests and medications. Accessing treatment in government-owned facilities may offer more affordable options, while private hospitals provide specialized care with higher costs. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for managing hepatitis B effectively and preventing complications.


Q: Can hepatitis B be cured? A: While hepatitis B cannot be cured completely, medications can help manage the infection and prevent liver damage.

Q: Are hepatitis B drugs readily available in Nigeria? A: Some hepatitis B drugs may be scarce in local pharmacies, but they can be obtained through special orders or at specialized medical facilities.

Q: How often should hepatitis B tests be conducted? A: The frequency of tests depends on the severity of the infection and the treatment plan recommended by the doctor. Regular monitoring is essential to assess treatment effectiveness and disease progression.

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