Cauliflowers and broccoli Price in Nigeria (2024)

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Are you curious about the cost of cauliflower and broccoli in Nigeria? These two cruciferous vegetables have gained popularity for their health benefits and versatility in cooking. But what exactly should you expect to pay for them? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Understanding the Prices

In Nigeria, the retail prices for cauliflower and broccoli typically fall within a certain range. On average, you can expect to pay between NGN 4,503.23 and NGN 5,854.19 per kilogram. To put it in perspective for those who prefer imperial units, that’s roughly between NGN 2,042.28 and NGN 2,654.96 per pound.

Why the Range?

The fluctuation in prices can be attributed to various factors such as seasonal availability, transportation costs, and market demand. During peak seasons, when these vegetables are abundant, you might find them at the lower end of the price range. Conversely, during off-peak times or if there’s a shortage, prices may rise.

Factors Influencing Prices

  1. Seasonality: Cauliflower and broccoli have their peak seasons, during which they tend to be more affordable due to higher supply.
  2. Transportation Costs: The cost of transporting these vegetables from farms to markets can impact their final retail price.
  3. Market Demand: Consumer demand plays a significant role. If there’s a sudden surge in popularity or if health trends influence buying patterns, prices may be affected.


Cauliflower and broccoli offer numerous health benefits and can be incorporated into various dishes, from stir-fries to salads. While their prices may fluctuate, understanding the factors that influence them can help you make informed purchasing decisions. Whether you’re a health-conscious consumer or a chef looking for fresh ingredients, keeping an eye on market trends can ensure you get the best value for your money.


1.Why are cauliflower and broccoli prices higher at certain times?

Prices can increase due to factors like seasonal shortages, increased demand, or additional transportation costs during unfavorable weather conditions.

2.Are there any alternatives if cauliflower and broccoli are too expensive?

Yes, you can explore other locally available vegetables that offer similar nutritional benefits, such as cabbage, kale, or spinach.

3.How can I ensure I’m getting the best quality vegetables for the price?

Look for fresh, firm cauliflower and broccoli heads with vibrant colors and no signs of wilting or discoloration. Purchasing from reputable vendors or local farmers’ markets can also increase your chances of obtaining high-quality produce

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