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Chomzy BBNaija Biography, Photo of Chomzy, Age, Real Name of Season 7 | Chomzy BBNaija Biography 2022
This post is about Chomzy from the TV Show Big Brother Naija 2022 including his Age, Home State, Occupation, Marital Status, Previous Boyfriend (if any), Contacts, Mother, Father, Siblings, Chomzy Instagram Page, Facebook, Twitter account, and LinkedIn account for business inquiries or offers.
Chomzy BBNajia 2022 Biography
Chomzy Full Name: Esther Chioma Ndubueze 22-year-old entrepreneur Chomzy loves the simple things in life; sewing, traveling and twerking. She hates snitches and betrayers and considers herself a resourceful and passionate people-person.
Chomzy reckons she has the best family in the world. “My mom and siblings are all in Nigeria, and my dad is in Gabon. My family gets along very well and we love each other, but I’m everyone’s favourite,” she says with a smile.
Although single, this firecracker is open to love when the time is right.
Some of Chomzy’s proudest moments come courtesy of her pageant and modeling work, as well as the multiple awards she has received for her humanitarian and school work.
Chomzy hopes Big Brother Naija will make her rich and famous. “I want to be successful in my business and I want to find love too”.
Video of Chomzy BBNaija 2022 Housemate
Photo of Chomzy BBNaija 2022 Housemate

Chomzy BBNaija Instagram, Facebook & Twitter
You can follow Chomzy on Instagram and get all the latest updates as she moves on her daily celeb living.
Stay on this website for the latest update about Chomzy Big Brother Nigeria’s 2022 housemate.
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