Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and log Price in Nigeria (2024)

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Are you a berry enthusiast eager to explore the vibrant world of raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, and loganberries? Wondering about the price range in Nigeria? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with all the juicy details.

When it comes to berry shopping, it’s essential to know what to expect in terms of pricing. In Nigeria, the retail price range for these delightful fruits varies between NGN 1,316.27 and NGN 4,387.56 per kilogram. If you prefer to think in pounds, that’s approximately between NGN 596.95 and NGN 1,989.82 per pound.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Raspberries: These tiny, tart delights come at a price range that falls within NGN 1,316.27 to NGN 4,387.56 per kilogram.
  • Blackberries: If you fancy the deep, rich flavor of blackberries, be prepared to spend between NGN 1,316.27 and NGN 4,387.56 per kilogram.
  • Mulberries: With their sweet and slightly tangy taste, mulberries are priced similarly, ranging from NGN 1,316.27 to NGN 4,387.56 per kilogram.
  • Loganberries: Lastly, loganberries, known for their unique flavor profile, also fall within the same price range of NGN 1,316.27 to NGN 4,387.56 per kilogram.

These prices may vary depending on factors such as seasonality, availability, and region. It’s always a good idea to check with local vendors or markets for the most accurate pricing information.


Exploring the world of berries can be both delightful for your taste buds and intriguing for your culinary adventures. Knowing the price range for raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, and loganberries in Nigeria empowers you to make informed decisions when shopping for these delectable fruits. So, go ahead, indulge in the juicy goodness of berries and savor every flavorful moment!


1.Why are berries relatively expensive?

Berries often have a shorter shelf life and are more delicate compared to other fruits, making their production and transportation costs relatively higher. Additionally, factors like climate conditions and demand-supply dynamics can influence their pricing.

2.Where can I buy fresh berries in Nigeria?

You can find fresh berries at local markets, supermarkets, and specialty grocery stores across Nigeria. Additionally, some online retailers may also offer a selection of imported or locally sourced berries for purchase.

3.Are there any substitutes for berries if they’re out of my budget?

Yes, if berries are out of your budget, you can consider using other fruits like strawberries, blueberries, or even local fruits such as guavas or mangoes to add a similar burst of flavor to your dishes or snacks

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