Cost of Rearing 500 Layers in Nigeria (2024)

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In recent times, poultry farming, especially raising layers, has become increasingly popular in Nigeria. With the country’s economy leaning towards agriculture, many are venturing into livestock farming, particularly focusing on layer chickens for their egg-laying capabilities. If you’re considering starting a poultry farm with 500 layers, understanding the costs involved is crucial. Let’s break it down step by step.

1. Building the Poultry House:

Your first task is to set up a suitable habitat for your layers. This includes both temporary and permanent housing. Experts recommend a battery cage system for optimal results. The total cost depends on factors like location, materials, and design.

2. Buying Day-Old Layer Chicks:

Once your poultry house is ready, it’s time to purchase your chicks. Day-old layer chicks typically cost between N500 – N700 each. For 500 chicks, you can estimate around N250,000, although bulk purchases may come at a reduced price.

3. Vaccination Costs:

Vaccination is essential for protecting your chicks from diseases, ensuring their health and development. Newcastle disease, a common threat, can be mitigated through vaccination. While vaccination costs vary, consulting with experts will help you determine the required vaccinations and associated expenses.

4. Feed Expenses:

Layer chickens require a balanced diet to stay healthy and productive. While they consume less than broilers, feeding costs are still significant. On average, a layer chick needs about 1.5 kg of feed per month, with consumption increasing over time. With 500 chicks, you can expect to spend between N340,000 – N360,000 monthly on feed.


Rearing 500 layers in Nigeria involves several costs, including building the poultry house, purchasing chicks, vaccination, and feeding expenses. Proper planning and budgeting are crucial for the success of your poultry venture.


Q: Can I save on costs by building a simple poultry house? A: While you can save initially with a basic setup, investing in a well-designed poultry house can enhance productivity and long-term profitability.

Q: Are there ways to reduce vaccination expenses? A: Bulk purchasing vaccines and consulting with poultry health experts can help optimize vaccination costs while ensuring effective disease prevention.

Q: How do I ensure optimal feed management to minimize expenses? A: Implementing efficient feeding practices, such as proper rationing and storage, can help reduce feed wastage and overall expenses.

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