Cost of Dialysis in Nigeria (2024)

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Kidney issues have become a significant health concern in Nigeria, with kidney-related diseases posing serious threats to individuals’ health and well-being. Among the treatments available, kidney dialysis stands out as a crucial method in managing kidney diseases. In this blog post, we delve into the fundamentals of kidney dialysis, including its costs, the treatment process, and what patients can expect, all in straightforward terms.

Cost of Dialysis in Nigeria:

Kidney dialysis, a common treatment for kidney diseases in Nigeria, comes with varying price tags. On average, a single session of dialysis can cost between N20,000 to N30,000, which accumulates to N80,000 to N120,000 per week and approximately N340,000 to N400,000 per month. Factors influencing these costs include the healthcare facility’s location and whether it’s private or public. Private hospitals tend to charge more, with some sessions exceeding N50,000.

Who Needs Dialysis:

Dialysis becomes necessary when kidney function declines to a critical level, causing symptoms or indicating high levels of toxins in the blood. Symptoms of kidney failure include nausea, fatigue, swelling, and vomiting. The decision to start dialysis depends on various factors such as age, overall health, lab test results, and the patient’s commitment to treatment.

How Dialysis Works:

Dialysis mimics the function of healthy kidneys by removing waste and excess fluid from the blood. During hemodialysis, blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, passed through a dialyzer for cleansing, and then returned to the body. This process typically lasts 3 to 5 hours and is repeated up to three times a week, although home dialysis options are available for more frequent sessions.

What Patients Should Expect During Dialysis:

While dialysis itself is not typically painful, some patients may experience side effects such as low blood pressure, nausea, dry or itchy skin, vomiting, muscle cramps, or fatigue. These side effects can be mitigated by following dietary recommendations and maintaining overall health.


Kidney dialysis is a crucial treatment for managing kidney diseases in Nigeria. Despite its costs and potential side effects, dialysis significantly improves patients’ quality of life and longevity. By understanding the process and working closely with healthcare providers, individuals can navigate kidney disease more effectively.


Q: Can dialysis be done at home? A: Yes, home dialysis options are available, offering convenience and flexibility for patients requiring more frequent sessions.

Q: Is dialysis painful? A: Dialysis itself is not typically painful, but some patients may experience discomfort or side effects during or after the procedure.

Q: How often do I need dialysis? A: The frequency of dialysis sessions varies depending on the severity of the kidney disease and the treatment plan recommended by healthcare providers.

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